Letters to Live By – GSB Acronyms
I was first exposed to the acronym culture as an undergraduate. While I did not have the pleasure of attending Stanford, I was involved with a Stanford undergrad while I attended Santa Clara. There were times when I would be listening to a conversation and quite literally have no idea what was being said. Acronyms had way of making me feel excluded, not cool enough to know the right way to say something. Coming to Stanford, first in the Civil Engineering department and then the GSB, started with a similar sensation – not always knowing what was being said. Now, two years later, these acronyms have worked their way into conversations with my SO, so engrained in my mind that they are no longer acronyms, but the only name I know them by. With that past headache in mind, I’ll share some of those (as well as a couple of words that are not acronyms, but have worked their way into the GSB vocabulary) that come to mind.