TL;DR Everyone gets a job eventually
School at Stanford begins late September, much later than most due to its quarter-based schedule. A week before the MBA2s arrive, all MBA1s gather to participate in the obligatory “Week 0” festivities. For a few, this is their first introduction to new classmates. For most, there are a few familiar faces in the crowd of 400. Some knew others from work or from undergrad; and many met each other on the annual trip to Colombia a few months earlier.
My name is Travis Duncan and I was trained as a civil engineer – not exactly the most creative of outlets. I have always enjoyed writing. The process of taking the free flow of thoughts racing around your head and putting them to the page can be part physical, part mental, and part creative. I, like many others I assume, have struggled with making the words on the page sound like those in my head, or even those that come out of my mouth. But during that struggle to bring some sense of order to the chaos of my thoughts, I may get one sentence, or one word just right. Perfection may be unattainable, but once in awhile you just get lucky.